How Tight Should A Chainsaw Chain Be: How To Tighten A Chainsaw Chain

If you’re dealing with a chainsaw, it’s important to know how tight your chain should be. A loose chain will lead to the saw not cutting efficiently and can cause an accident in the workplace. On the other hand, a too-tight chain is also dangerous as it may bind up and cause kickback. Also, too much tightness will lead to premature wear and ruin the chainsaw.

So how tight should a chainsaw chain be?

The simple answer is that the chain should be tight enough that it will not bind but loose enough to still have a little wiggle room. Likewise, the chainsaw should be tight enough to not fall off the bar’s kerf and loose enough to allow movement.

Snap Tight: Quick Chainsaw Chain Tension Checker

For quick tests, try pulling out your chain and letting it snap back into place. If the chain doesn’t snap nor pull out, it’s too tight; if it falls off or pops out easily, then you’re more on the loose side.

The chainsaw chain’s tension is a balance between too loose or too tight. The chain shouldn’t bind but also not allow free movement on the bar – so that when pulled from one side of the kerf (the space in which the blade rides), it snaps back to the other side of the kerf.

You will get perfect chain tension when you can pull the chain from the underside of the guide bar down. And can expose one or two drive links out the rails. At that time of your release, if the chain snaps into the position, you can ensure that your chainsaw chain is at its perfect tension setting.

The Pull and Put Test: Alternative Way of Checking Chainsaw Chain Tension:

This test is also straightforward, just as the snap-tight test.

  1. First, hold the chain and try to pull it away from the bar as best you can.
  2. If you can see the drive links popping out of the groove completely on your bar, then it is too loose.
  3. If you can see the drive link popping out a little bit and their tip is not visible, then tension is perfect.

If you can not pull the chain, then you need to loosen it.

It’s important that you check your chain often, as it may stretch or tighten over time based on usage and environmental conditions such as heat. Also, when you installed the new chain in your chainsaw, the chain starts stretching after a few cuts. In this case, you must stop cutting and let it cool down. And Then start readjusting. So it’s really crucial for any chainsaw owner to know the tightness of their chainsaw chain.

A chainsaw chain is used to cut through wood or other materials. It needs to be tightened periodically in order for the saw to work correctly. If it becomes too loose, then the bar can come off of the chain and cause damage.

How To Tighten A Chainsaw Chain: Easy Peasy Way

Whether you have a professional chainsaw for milling lumber or one of the smaller, more affordable models such as chainsaw under $300, it will need to be tuned periodically. This section will show you how to tighten your chain for cutting wood and other materials.

-If you are using a professional chainsaw and have an automatic chain tightening device, just push the button or turn the knob to tighten it. It is not necessary for this section to go into detail about how that works.

Just Find the tensioner on your saw. It is a screw-like knob on the side of your saw, usually near where you place the blade in and out. Turn it counterclockwise as far as possible without breaking it off. The chain will tighten down to its normal position for cutting wood by itself now that nothing keeps it from doing so if you’re using it correctly.

-For a smaller model of chainsaw that doesn’t come with one, follow these steps:

Tools Required To Perform Tightening the Chainsaw Chain:

  1. Scrench: To tighten the chainsaw chain perfectly, you will need a scrench. Nowadays most of the chainsaw comes with auto tension feature. If that feature is not present, this tool will be needed.
Oregon 57-016 13-by-19 mm Chainsaw Scrench(#ad)
  • All metal design combines a wrench and screwdriver to make an all-in-one tool
  • Wrench Sizes 13mm x 19mm

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Last update on 2025-01-25 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Find out the tension screw Position:

Depending on your chainsaw model, the tension screw will either be on-

Side Panel: If you see a small hole on the right side of your chainsaw, there is probably a screw in it. This screw is usually located between two other big bolts that hold the guide bar in place.

Front Panel: In some models, The tension screw is located on the right side of the guide bar more precisely to say left of bucking spikes.

Tight The Chain For Right Tension:

Once you locate the tension screw hole, grab the scrench.

Now hold down the nose of the guide bar and tighten the screw in clockwise style for tight and anti-clockwise for loose.

Remember, don’t tight the chain too tight or too loose. Tight as much as snap tight.

If you are having trouble with your chain, you might have the wrong size chain. Unfortunately, it is difficult to judge what size chain you need without a measurement. Read this post if you want to know more about how to measure a chainsaw chain.

Finally, the chainsaw chain should be checked every time you refuel your saw, or at least once a day. If the chain is too loose, it will wear out faster and cause damage to the bar; if it’s too tight, then there’s not enough tension for proper cutting action!

Daren Rifen
Daren Rifen
Hi! My name is Daren Rifen and I am a woodworker enthusiast. I love DIY projects, such as furniture that can be used in the home. Throughout my life I have been involved in many forms of woodworking: carpentry, cabinet making, boat building, sign painting to name just a few. I also enjoy doing hand-on tests and reviews about different types of saws for cutting different materials. I grew up in a small town in Wisconsin and I have always been into making things with my hands. As soon as I was old enough to hold a hammer (about 4 years old), I would go around the house looking for things that needed fixing or building new from scratch. My parents often tell me stories of how they’d find me on the couch with all these tools spread out all over me while watching cartoons. My dad taught me how to use power tools when I was 7 years old and he got tired of putting up with all my annoying questions about what each tool does

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